Donate an Artefact
The museum is very grateful to those who donate objects to its collection. Donations of artefacts help enhance the museum. It also helps to preserve their legacy for the future generation

Our collection consists of objects ranging in size from tiny uniform buttons to large military vehicles. Our donors understand that as Malta's top WWII Museum, we will be a resource to researchers and educators for generations to come. Our artifacts and documents are enormously important in helping to bring history to life and to honor the legacy of those who have their utmost defending the Maltese Islands.
Due to the generous donations of WWII veterans, their families, friends and other donors, the Museum has neared its goal of acquiring a collection that is representative of the Maltese experience in World War II. Our archives, though, are ever growing, and we are particularly seeking additions to our archive of personal stories and wartime letters, diaries and photographs.
We ask you to please contact us concerning any material that you wish to donate to the Museum.
by sending an email to info@wirtartna.org